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Scott T. Gardner ​(MKISA Consulting)

Ministry/Leadership development coach

Motivational Speaker

My philosopy

"Live responsibly, foster growth for all, and ​embrace daily renewal for self, clients, and ​organization."

My​ Story

Understanding the development of leadership begins with ​understanding the development of you as a person. I used to think my ​journey started in 1983, the moment I accepted Jesus Christ as my ​Lord and Savior; but as I grew in Christ, I realized it started in 1963, the ​day I was born. I have been more than fortunate to work in ministry ​for over 30 years. During this time, my journey has been complex, ​hard, difficult, and wonderful all at the same time. I served in various ​areas of ministry such as deacon, teacher, minister, financial officer, ​minister leadership development coordinator, young adult leader, ​etc. for over 10 years, and as a senior pastor for over 20 years. God has ​the perfect plan for you. Through God’s plan, life lessons are a part of ​the process which develops us into the person God intended for us to ​be. This may involve crying, disappointments, frustrations, highs and ​lows, but it is all a part of His plan.

However, for me, life’s curveball happened in 2004, when I suffered a ​massive stroke. This curveball changed me forever, from my head to ​toe, from the inside out, both physically and psychologically. ​Nevertheless, our great God healed my body and allowed me to live ​for Him and with Him in this new understanding of our ​relationship.Through this journey, I have discovered, above all else, is ​that life’s journey will not be perfect in our eyesight, but in the ​eyesight of God it is exactly how He intended for it to be.

This is also true regarding leadership. Ultimately, you will understand ​that leadership is not about a position nor power, but the ​development of the person who is called into leadership. The ​wonderful thing about God’s plan and purpose is that our flaws and ​insecurities are perfect for leadership, but my goal is to cultivate the ​ministry that is within you because “The imperfect life designed by ​God needs to be accepted by you!”