Scott T. Gardner (MKISA Consulting)
Ministry/Leadership development coach
Motivational Speaker
My philosopy
"Live responsibly, foster growth for all, and embrace daily renewal for self, clients, and organization."
My Story
Understanding the development of leadership begins with understanding the development of you as a person. I used to think my journey started in 1983, the moment I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior; but as I grew in Christ, I realized it started in 1963, the day I was born. I have been more than fortunate to work in ministry for over 30 years. During this time, my journey has been complex, hard, difficult, and wonderful all at the same time. I served in various areas of ministry such as deacon, teacher, minister, financial officer, minister leadership development coordinator, young adult leader, etc. for over 10 years, and as a senior pastor for over 20 years. God has the perfect plan for you. Through God’s plan, life lessons are a part of the process which develops us into the person God intended for us to be. This may involve crying, disappointments, frustrations, highs and lows, but it is all a part of His plan.
However, for me, life’s curveball happened in 2004, when I suffered a massive stroke. This curveball changed me forever, from my head to toe, from the inside out, both physically and psychologically. Nevertheless, our great God healed my body and allowed me to live for Him and with Him in this new understanding of our relationship.Through this journey, I have discovered, above all else, is that life’s journey will not be perfect in our eyesight, but in the eyesight of God it is exactly how He intended for it to be.
This is also true regarding leadership. Ultimately, you will understand that leadership is not about a position nor power, but the development of the person who is called into leadership. The wonderful thing about God’s plan and purpose is that our flaws and insecurities are perfect for leadership, but my goal is to cultivate the ministry that is within you because “The imperfect life designed by God needs to be accepted by you!”